If you want more Classical Sheet Music! click here Cantigas of Santa Maria are a 427 lirc compositons. There were written between XII to XIV century.
There were composed by Alfonso X, the Wise, was the king of Castille and Leon. Cantigas are poems written in Galician-Portuguese in honor for Maria Virgin.
There are short and simples songs, related about the sea and the sea society there was in that moment in Galicia.
A curiosity about "amigo" word (friend), in Cantigas means lover, suiter, wife or husband.
There are short and simples songs, related about the sea and the sea society there was in that moment in Galicia.
The great significance in Cantigas of Alfonso X is about wealth of music, literary and pictorial. All are developed in a combination of six beatiflul pictures were the story goes.
Most of Cantigas are about Virgin Maria miracles in Camino de Santiago. This one is a medieval pilgrim route in the north of Spain. It croos all the north of Spain since France to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, were is the body of Saint James the Apostol. It's also called Milky Way because pilgrims can follow in the night.
Last year I had the chance to do El Camino de Santiago. I did 900 km between Roncesvalles (in the France border) to Santiago de Compostela, and them I continue my path to Finisterra, the end of the world. My baggage, only a little bag in my back, with change of clothes and water. It is a great experience, you fell a very stron sense of superation, love, friendship, freedom of the society rules, technology, ...
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