These are the first words of the song we have today in the form of score, Only time by Enya.
Maybe the time is our more precious value wished by people. We can feel the time goes and we live in it. The time, for now, is something that is beyond our reach.
In reality, time does not exist if you live in the present. The past is still alive today and the future is now. I recomend you, if you like to read, the book "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Toller. Altough is always take your instinct and experience, in the book you will understand that time does not exist, that it is an unreality created to control us and not enjoy every moment. Live and smile now.
For many years, "I had no time" (or so I though), always "I had something to do", there were "important things" to do and I left behind other things in spite of I liked more. This no longer!
Today, as a person I am, I still myself and do no take full advantage of the moments of my life, however with my desire to live and continue learning I am getting more and more.
The world opens up to you and you begin to see the good and the bad in a very different way. You know how to distinguish and only choose tne good for you, the good for others and not teh good for them.
Then time does not exist as such. For me time do not have limits and is eternal. I enjoy the moment as I like it and with whom I love the most. Do not believe it no matter how much they say it on TV or the internet, life is wonderful, beautiful, and people ar good by nature. However for this, we have to pur the best of ourselves whenever the sun rises. Guide your efforts to help and give life.
We recomend to all to reflect a little about your way of life and how you use your time, or rather, how you live (whether in the now, or in the past/future).
Be happy, laugh if you want to laugh, cry if you want to cry, scream, sing, dance, fly... love... but mos importantly, do nor forget that your life belongs only to you. Do not forget to live (No te olvides de vivir).