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Sheet music of Venid Fieles (in Spanish), is a hymn very popular in France, Spain, United Kingdom and Portugal, since the late eighteenth century.
Spectacular video version of Adeste Fideles with Piano that you can enjoy while reading the post and download the scores by tubescore.net
Adeste Fideles, is known as "The Portugese Hymn" (Portuguese Hymn), because it was sung in the London of 1797 by the Portuguese mission.
Spartiti - Partition - Notes - Partiture
Even to this day, it is still known by this name in many places of the world.
Curious story of this popular carol that we present today, one of our favorite Christmas carols.
Adeste Fideles played with Sopranino Flute in Lisbon (Portugal) Beautiful Christmas song, one of my favorites
Lyrics and chords of Adeste Fideles in Spanish Come Faithful to accompany with the guitar (in C M)
Venid fieles todos entonando himnos
venid y vayamos esta noche a Belén
hoy ha nacido el rey de los ángeles
venid y adoremos venid adoremos
venid adoremos al Hijo de Dios
Hoy ha nacido el rey de los ángeles
venid y adoremos venid adoremos
venid adoremos al Hijo de Dios
Letter and translation of Adeste Fideles from Latin to Spanish
latín | Spanish Traducción | |||||
Adeste fideles, laeti triumphantes | (Venid fieles todos, alegres y triunfantes) | |||||
Venite, venite in Bethlehem | (Venid, venid a Belén) | |||||
Natum videte, regem angelorum | (Contemplad al nacido, Rey de los ángeles) | |||||
Venite adoremus, venite adoremus | (Venid y adoremos, venid y adoremos) | |||||
Venite adoremus Dominum. | (Venid y adoremos al Señor). | |||||
En grege relicto, humiles ad cunas, vocati pastores approperant. | (Ved cómo, dejando el rebaño, humildemente hacia la cuna rápidamente se acercan los pastores al ser llamados,) | |||||
Et nos ovanti gradu festinemus. | (Y nosotros apresurémonos con paso alegre.) | |||||
Venite adoremus, venite adoremus | (Venid y adoremos, venid y adoremos) | |||||
Venite adoremus Dominum. | (Venid y adoremos al Señor.) | |||||
Aeterni Parentis splendorem aeternum, | (El esplendor eterno del Padre Eterno) | |||||
Velatum sub carne videbimus | (Lo veremos oculto bajo la carne) | |||||
Deum Infantem, pannis involutum. | (Al Dios Niño envuelto en pañales) | |||||
Venite adoremus, venite adoremus | (Venid y adoremos, venid y adoremos) | |||||
Venite adoremus Dominum. | (Venid y adoremos al Señor.) | |||||
Pro nobis egenum et foeno cubantem, | (Por nosotros pobre y acostado en la paja) | |||||
Piis foveamus amplexibus: | (Démosle calor con nuestros cariñosos abrazos) | |||||
Sic nos amantem quis non redamaret? | (A quien así nos ama ¿quién no le amará?) | |||||
Venite adoremus, venite adoremus | (Venid y adoremos, venid y adoremos) | |||||
Venite adoremus Dominum. | (Venid y adoremos al Señor.) |
68 Christmas Carol Songs Sheet Music click here
Adeste Fideles is a Christmas anthem, carol of European tradition. Its composition is debated believing that its composer is San Buenaventura. The truth is that for the eighteenth century was sung at Christmas in countries such as England, France, Portugal and Spain.
The song invites believers to worship Our Lord and Savior in their place of birth, Bethlehem. She is known by names in different languages, in Latin Adeste Fideles, in Spanish Come Faithful, Let's Go Believers, Come and Adore etc. In English O come all ye faithfull.
Video with Piano of the Adeste Fideles Christmas Carol or O come all ye faithfull. Beautiful Instrumental Piano
We leave below a version of the video in Latin interpreted by Luciano Pavarotti and another in Spanish, both are angelic.
Adeste Fideles Video to play with our scores
Latín Version