August 5, 2016

The Lord of the Rings Sheet Music for Flute, Violin, Alto Sax, Trumpet, Viola, Oboe, Clarinet, Tenor Sax, Soprano Sax, Trombone, Flugelhorn, Cello, Bassoon, Baritone Sax, Euphonium, Horn, Tube...

The Lord of the Rings Sheet Music for Flute,  Violin, Alto Sax, Trumpet, Viola, Oboe, Clarinet, Tenor Sax, Soprano Sax, Trombone, Flugelhorn, Cello, Bassoon, Baritone Sax, Euphonium, Horn, Tube...
¡New! The Lord of the Rings Sheet Music for Viola, Cello, Bassoon, English Horn, Trombone, Tuba, Horn, Euphonium, Oboe, Trumpet, Alto Sax, Tenor, Violin, Clarinet, Flute and easy sheet music for beginners HERE

The Lord of the Rings is a fantasy epic novel written for J.R.R. Tolkien in 1954-1955. In this novel Tolkien created a hole fantastic world full of fabulous beings. It is a really good film and novel for people love fantasy and others worlds. You can find a great story about truth, love, good, and more values. It is like a spiritual guide.

The Lord of the Rings has a wonderful OST, every one of the songs are amazing. My favorite is Into the west of Annie Lennox (click here), so for me is not easy collect a hole OST in only one sheet music.

Easy sheet music of The Lords of the Rings, recomended for beginners students and music teachers

 Easy sheet music of The Lords of the Rings
This one is Concerning Hobbits, ones of my favorites songs, you can find here too.

The second main theme is here with a pictures film compilation of The Lord of the Rings.

Here you have The Lord of the Rings sheet music by Howard Shore to play with you instrument. I hope you enjoy it!

+ OST sheet music HERE

Alto Saxophone sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Alto Saxophone sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Trumpet and Flugelhorn sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

diegosax partituras The Lord of the Rings Partitura de El Señor de los Anillos para Flauta, Saxofón, Trompeta, Clarinete, Violín, Saxo Tenor, Trombón Tuba, Viola, Chelo, Violín, Oboe Trompa, Corno Inglés y Fagotde Howard Shore. Partitura The Lord of the Rings para Flauta, saxo, violín, trompeta, clarinete, trombón, tenor Sheet music and music scores Partituras de Bandas Sonoras Clásicas del cine New!! The Lord of the Rings Sheet Music Violin, Cello, Bassoon, English Horn Trombone, Trumpet, Sax, Flute, Tenor, Clarinet, Soprano, Horn, Oboe...

Flute and Recorder sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Flute and Recorder sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Tenor Sax sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Tenor Sax and Soprano Saxophone sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Violin sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Violin sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Clarinet sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Clarinet sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Trombone, Tuba and Euphonium sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Trombone, Tuba and Euphonium sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Soprano Sax sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Soprano Sax sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Viola sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Viola sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Oboe sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Oboe sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Cello and Bassoon sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

Cello and Bassoon sheet music of The Lords of the Rings Soundtrack music score

July 27, 2016

Harry Potter by John Williams Sheet Music for Flute, Violin, Alto Sax, Trumpet, Viola, Oboe, Clarinet, Tenor Sax, Soprano Sax, Trombone, Flugelhorn, Cello, Bassoon, Baritone Sax, Euphonium, Horn, Tube...

Harry Potter by John Williams Sheet Music for Flute, Violin, Alto Sax, Trumpet, Viola, Oboe, Clarinet, Tenor Sax, Soprano Sax, Trombone, Flugelhorn, Cello, Bassoon, Baritone Sax, Euphonium, Horn, Tube...
Harry Potter Theme Piano Sheet Music HERE

Today we share with you Harry Potter sheet music to play with your favorite instrument Flute, Violin, Oboe, Clarinet, Sax, Trombone, Viola, Cello, Bassoon...
If you want the piano sheet music you can find HERE.

At first you can find an easy sheet music version for flute, it is very useful for school teachers. Then you can find sheet music for more instruments.

It was composed by John Williams, one of my favorites OST's composers. Besides him you can find other very good in this filed like Patrick Doyle, Nicholas Hooper or Alexandre Desplat in Harry Potter's OST.

In spite of had watched and enjoyed all Harry Potter's films, I have to confess I'm not a fan. I watched almost all in a short time because the British accent. It was a good exercise for my listening.

I have some friends very fan of Harry Potter's books and films. I remember them talking about books at high school. I have to say J.K. Rowling did a magic revolution.

I hope fans and followers from Harry Potter enjoy these notes and sheet music. Now you can mix magic and music in a wonderful spell.

Harry Potter Sountrack, a short recopilation, OST by John Williams. Music for your sense.

Hedwig´s Theme song Easy Sheet music for Flute Harry Potter OST music score Piano sheet music here

 Hedwig´s Theme song Easy Sheet music for Flute OST music score

Hedwig´s Theme song Sheet music for Flute Harry Potter OST music score

 Hedwig´s Theme song Sheet music for Flute Harry Potter OST music score

Hedwig´s Theme song Sheet Music for Violin Harry Potter OST music scores

 Hedwig´s Theme song Sheet Music for Violin Harry Potter OST music scores

Hedwig´s Theme songs Sheet music for Alto Sax and Baritone Saxophone Harry Potter OST music scores

 Hedwig´s Theme songs Sheet music for Alto Sax and Baritone Saxophone Harry Potter OST music scores
Hedwig´s Theme songs Sheet Music for Trumpet and Flugelhorn Harry Potter music scores
Hedwig´s Theme songs Sheet Music for Trumpet and Flugelhorn Harry Potter music scores

Hedwig´s Theme OST songs Sheet Music for Soprano Saxophone Harry Potter OST music score

  Hedwig´s Theme OST songs Sheet Music for Soprano Saxophone Harry Potter OST music score

Hedwig´s Theme song Sheet music for Trombone, Euphonium and Tuba Harry Potter OST music scores

 Hedwig´s Theme song Sheet music for Trombone, Euphonium and Tuba Harry Potter OST music scores

Hedwig´s Theme song Sheet Music for Clarinet Harry Potter OST music scores

 Hedwig´s Theme song Sheet Music for Clarinet Harry Potter OST music scores

Hedwig´s Theme song Sheet Music for Tenor Saxophone Harry Potter OST music scores

 Hedwig´s Theme song Sheet Music for Tenor Saxophone Harry Potter OST music scores

Hedwig´s Theme song Sheet music for Viola Harry Potter OST music scores

 Hedwig´s Theme song Sheet music for Viola Harry Potter OST music scores

Hedwig´s Theme song Sheet Music for Cello Harry Potter OST music scores

 Hedwig´s Theme song Sheet Music for Cello Harry Potter OST music scores

Hedwig´s Theme songs Sheet music for Bassoon Harry Potter OST music score

 Hedwig´s Theme songs Sheet music for Bassoon Harry Potter OST music score

Hedwig´s Theme song Sheet Music for Oboe Harry Potter OST music scores

 Hedwig´s Theme song Sheet Music for Oboe Harry Potter OST music scores

Hedwig´s Theme songs Sheet Music for Horn Harry Potter OST music scores

 Hedwig´s Theme songs Sheet Music for Horn Harry Potter OST music scores

July 18, 2016

3 Voices Canon Sheet Music for Flute, Violin, Alto Sax, Trumpet, Viola, Oboe, Clarinet, Tenor Sax, Soprano Sax, Trombone, Flugelhorn, Cello, Bassoon, Baritone Sax, Euphonium, Horn, Tube...

Canon Infantil a 3 Voces Partituras de Flauta, Violín, Saxofón Alto, Trompeta, Viola, Oboe, Clarinete, Saxo Tenor, Soprano Sax, Trombón, Fliscorno, chelo, Fagot, Barítono, Bombardino, Trompa o corno, Tuba...
3 Voices Canon for Children is really good to start to play in group, with your friends and family.

Some times I think that  children music are my favorites songs. Only listening a little piece it's enough for have the song in my mind for a lot of time, days, even weeks.

This is because  children song are made for remembering.  They have a simple lyric, a memorable melody and repetitive message ideal for children. 

Usually children's song has a simple form, alternating verse and chorus, where the melody are the same in each one. Lyrics in chorus are the samen while changing the message in verses, doing a nice story everything together.

Flute and Recorder Sheet Music for 3 Voices Children Canon Popular Music Scores

 Flauta Travesera, flauta dulce y flauta de pico Partitura de Canon Infantil a tres voces Sheet Music for Flute and Recorder Music Scores


Alto Sax and Baritone Sax Sheet Music for 3 Voices Children Canon Popular Music Scores

 Saxofón Alto y Sax Barítono Partitura de Canon Infantil a tres voces Sheet Music for Alto and Baritone Saxophone Music Scores

Violin Sheet Music for 3 Voices Children Canon Popular Music Scores

 Violín Partitura de Canon Infantil a tres voces Sheet Music for Violin Music Scores

Trumpet Sheet Music for 3 Voices Children Canon Popular Music Scores

 Trompeta y Fliscorno Partitura de Canon Infantil a tres voces Sheet Music for Trumpet and Flugelhorn Music Scores

Clarinet Sheet Music for 3 Voices Children Canon Popular Music Scores

 Clarinete Partitura de Canon Infantil a tres voces Sheet Music for Clarinet Music Score

Viola Sheet Music for 3 Voices Children Canon Popular Music Scores

 Viola Partitura de Canon Infantil a tres voces Sheet Music for Viola Music Score

Oboe Sheet Music for 3 Voices Children Canon Popular Music Scores

 Oboe Partitura de Canon Infantil a tres voces Sheet Music for Oboe Music Score

Cello and Bassoon Sheet Music for 3 Voices Children Canon Popular Music Scores

 Violonchelo y Fagot Partitura de Canon Infantil a tres voces Sheet Music for Cello and Bassoon Music Scores


Horn Sheet Music for 3 Voices Children Canon Popular Music Scores

 Trompa y Corno Francés Partitura de Canon Infantil a tres voces en Mi bemol Sheet Music for French Horn Music Scores

July 12, 2016

Endless Love Sheet Music for Flute, Violin, Alto Sax, Trumpet, Guitar, Viola, Oboe, Clarinet, Tenor Sax, Soprano Sax, Trombone, Flugelhorn, Cello, Bassoon, Baritone Sax, Euphonium, Horn, Tube...

Endless Love de Lionel Richie Partituras y Tablaturas de Flauta, Violín, Saxofón Alto, Trompeta, Viola, Guitarra, Ukelele, Banjo, Bajo Eléctrico, Oboe, Clarinete, Saxo Tenor, Soprano Sax, Trombón, Fliscorno, chelo, Fagot, Barítono, Bombardino, Trompa o corno, Tuba...
We have today a very request sheet music song in our blog "Endless Love".

Endless Love is a beautiful balada composed for the American singer and composer Lionel Richie. Do you imaginen a wonderful thing better than an "Endless Love"

Love is not only between a man and a woman, true love is eternal and it don't understand about time and space. True love is an all a big armony wave.

Lionel Richie united with Michael Jackson did movements like "Usa for África" with the song "We are the world" (you can find the sheet music here), doing an ambicious project with very good singers and people. Personally I think that song has a very good vibration, If you don't know the song We are the World I recomend you.

Endless Love was composed for a fantastic duet of Lionel with Diana Ross, but the exit of the song is reflected in many versions. María Carey, Kenny Roggers, Mark Anthony and Sara Evans are only a few examples. Here there is a great version:

Endless Love Marc Anthony and Sara Evans duet

Endless Love Lionel Richie and Diana Ross duet

Many saxophonists can know the song from Kenny G soprano sax version. It is a beautiful version I enjoy with my alto sax and soprano sax too.

If you want listen my sax, piano and other compositions, you can visti my Oficial Youtube diegosax sheet mucic click here, and sucribe and share. I hope you like and enjoy my music! Thanks!

Enless Love by Kenny G with soprano sax

We are more than 67 contributors sharing sheet music in @tocapartituras.

If you want now how and where download our sheet music click here.

Flute and Recorder Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores

 Flute and Recorder Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores


Alto Saxophone and Baritone Sax Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores

 Alto Saxophone and Baritone Sax Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores


Violin Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores

Violin Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores


Trumpet and Flugelhorn Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores

 Trumpet and Flugelhorn Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores

Clarinet Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores

 Clarinet Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores

Guitar Tab Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Tablature Music Scores

Guitar Tab Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Tablature Music Scores

Soprano Sax and Tenor Saxophone Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores

 Soprano Sax and Tenor Saxophone Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores 

Trombone, Tuba and Euphonium Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores

Trombone, Tuba and Euphonium Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores 


Tuba Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores

Tuba Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores 

Viola Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores

Viola Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores


Oboe Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores

Oboe Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores

Cello and Bassoon Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores

Cello and Bassoon Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores


Horn Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores

Horn Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Music Scores

Electric Bass Tab Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Tablature Music Scores

Endless Love Partitura de Flauta, Violín, Saxofón Alto, Trompeta, Viola, Guitarra, Oboe, Clarinete, Saxo Tenor, Soprano Sax, Trombón, Fliscorno, chelo, Fagot, Barítono, Bombardino, Trompa o corno, Tuba...

Banjo Tab Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Tablature Music Scores

Banjo Tab Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Tablature Music Scores

Ukelele Tab Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Tablature Music Scores

Ukelele Tab Sheet Music for Endless Love Pop Baladas Tablature Music Scores
